To live is, also, to die. We get that. But we struggle to understand why George was taken from us so early without warning. Our Son – our little brother – our friend. We take comfort in knowing that Dude lived Gloriously and Generously-without the normal human frailties of selfishness, anger, or greed.
He loved each and every person and moment that he came upon, and people loved him back. Oh how he was loved. He lies in peace knowing that there is no one left behind who can have a bad thought or a cross word about their encounters with Dude. What a gift, a lesson for all of us. Treat every person with respect-and really love, I mean really love those close to you.
Into each life a little rain must fall, as the saying goes. Forgive us for being upset, but it is thunderstorming right now in the Nault & Walker families – and those who loved Dude. Find comfort in the depth of your grief, for it shows only how much you let yourself love another human being. God is crying too. Do you think it was a coincidence that yesterday was such a miserable day? Our Catholic faith tells us to take comfort that he is peaceful in the kingdom of heaven with our Mom, Grandparents & other family and friends – and that he is doing great. But it is us who are NOT okay. We wanted more time with him.
As difficult as it is for us mere mortals, don’t be angry or bitter.
We are here to celebrate the 40 beautiful years that George walked the Earth, smiling, helping, working his magic and loving each of us.
Start with Georgie, the kid with the big head at my parents’ Grocery store, the math whiz, greeting each customer with a smile, who knew the total grocery bill, with tax, before the register drawer even opened. Then growing into the Dude, a friend to everyone. Becoming an adult, finding his way, helping others, making lasting friendships, becoming an Uncle, Godfather and finally meeting Lisa-the love of his life, a Husband.
As his family, we are so proud of the way he lived his life - to be so universally liked by all and loved by those who got to know him. A true example of Rich in Spirit-he lived the principles that you are your brother’s keeper, and sisters, parents, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. Dude took care of everyone.
Dude’s happy place was being busy, helping others. And boy did we all keep him plenty happy. It wasn’t that Dude couldn’t say no-he didn’t want to. How many of us have a piece of Dude around their house – a deck, porch, shed or finish4ed basement. Smile when you find yourself using it. Dude the Fixer, the Builder, the Protector. In addition to the tangible project-you also got the Dude: happy, smiling, fun to be around.
There was nothing like getting a hug from Dude. You knew he was sincerely glad to see you.
There are so many memories that we cherish:
He and Lisa made Michelle & Tom’s twins homemade raspberry jelly. They still refer to it: We want some uncle dude jelly.
Golf vacations in Florida and Vermont - surprising my Dad in Florida when Dude didn’t think he could go one year.
Crabfests and Dudefests
Hearing the joyful squeal from my little kids “Duuuuude” as he walked through the door meant that the family fun was about to begin.
Redskins rare Super Bowl successes.
Dude playing a hunch, grabbing my mom and going to the casino. Giving her his paycheck-$1000 to play the field bet on the 3rd roll at the craps table, it comes up box cars- paying 2 to 1. They grabbed their $3000 and headed home to celebrate. If Dude won big everyone benefitted. If George had 3 of something, it meant you were welcome to 2 of them-or all 3 if you really wanted.
George as Drew Carey and The Incredible Hulk at Dar & Monty’s Halloween Parties.
Speaking of the Incredible Hulk, Dude was the strongest man alive. When we were building our house in VT, Mark Gambardella and I were trying to move a big boulder. We had 2 x 4’s and steel pipe trying to rig some sort of lever system. Dude came walking up the hill form his house, saw what we were doing, picked up the rock like it was a basket of laundry and asked “what else you got”. Dude was that rare combination of the strongest man alive as well as the nicest.
George’s spirit lives on to protect us and guide us and watch over us. Use Dude’s memory to live our lives with better focus on what is important. Following George’s examples, respecting the 10 Commandments, think of “What Would Dude Do?” when life presents you with a quandary. The answers will be:
Go with your heart, not your wallet
Think of others before yourself
Give love, accept love
Use your strength to stand up for the weakest amongst us
Treat all people with respect.
Don’t take the easy way out-if it is not the best way also
As we have been reminded by Fr. O’Neill, live life respecting its uncertainty. Treat your relationships with family and friends as a gift. Don’t end on a cross word-and show that you love them above all else, and often. George got this message better than any of us. Everyone here should know that Dude knew how much we all loved him back. He took strength from this.
Happy are those who are called to His Supper. And oh what a banquet George and our Mom are helping to prepare in heaven. Save us a seat.
Monday, April 12, 2010
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